On this day of the eclipse, I think about the darkness that happens. Albeit for a short period, it gives a surreal look to the world around us.
I liken it a bit to family caregiving. The moment where things get so overwhelming you truly can’t see through the darkness. I have been talking to so many of you this week with stories and circumstances that are different, but the common thread is the same. How, why, I can’t…..
In the article, “How to Hold Space for Yourself,” (by Azriel ReShel at Uplift) they talk about the need and benefits of taking care of yourself. This, in particular, stood out to me:
“In order to hold space for yourself, you must be able to reach out for support when you need it. This strengthens your ability to be there for yourself. Knowing your own limits and knowing you can get support if you need it, makes your power to be there for yourself grounded and deeper.”
Support for family caregivers is so incredibly important. You cannot do this alone, I tried. I know. I would promise that I was doing ok, just a little tired. The truth was that I was imploding and by the time I truly came to that realization it was like climbing a steep hill to get out.
Breathing Spaces recognizes the overwhelm that family caregivers encounter and we are changing that one person at a time. If you are a family caregiver or know of someone, I encourage you/them to connect with us on Facebook (Breathing Spaces) as well as our CLOSED group to be able to reach out to others going along the same path. Affiliate organizations can gain great benefit from connecting with us, by letting the families of those you are caring for that you care for them too.
Don’t be silent and don’t be afraid. You are not alone.
Be well,