Everyone needs to take time out, off the Ferris wheel and take care of themselves. Family caregivers are no exception. Your life is busy, and at times it feels like there is no way to catch a breath.
I was just in Massachusetts visiting family and while walking through the neighborhood, I saw these and thought of my life today and my time being a family caregiver:

Steam builds up behind the scenes. The worry about your loved one, the angst over decisions the anger over ‘why.’

You find yourself drained of energy, and can’t quite find time to nourish your tank.

Your communication skills are waning. You know how you ‘should’ be responding to your loved and hear yourself snapping at the clerk at the grocery store for no real reason. Any reaction whether it’s good or bad reverberates all around and back to you.
We all know or have heard that it’s important to make time to recharge and relax. Right? I know I spoke about this a bit in last weeks blog but especially with everything that is happening in our world the importance cannot be stressed enough. The combination can be crazy making. I just spoke with a woman this week who was so overwhelmed caring for her husband and working full time with no additional help. She’s ‘managing’ it. I know all too well how we all ‘manage’ it.
Do one thing today that fills you up. Go outside for a walk, ride a bike, watch a movie you’ve wanted to see, color, paint, knit, read. Find a way to let the steam dissipate, refill your reservoir that was drained, and communicate with yourself about how much you value all that you are doing and care enough about yourself to continue to take time out. Trust me when I say, the ripple effect to everyone around you will be felt.
If you live in or near the San Jose area, I will be an exhibitor at the Senior Resource and Wellness Fair; Monday, October 16, 2017, from 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM at San Jose City Hall. This event is packed full of great resources and information. Please stop by and say hello if you can make it.
Be well,