Practicing Gratitude

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday I invite you to take a few moments and ask yourself;  what am I thankful for? I know as family caregivers being thankful can either be easy or very difficult at times for many reasons. I remember laying in bed in the morning when I was caring for Mom and hearing her get up to go to the bathroom. I was so grateful that she had made it through another night. I also remember the days grimacing that no one in the house would be forthcoming with dinner suggestions. But in the long run grateful because it got me to start experimenting with cooking, something that I had never done. 

Cultivating a habit of gratitude can bring so much ease into your life. Doing so allows you to take time to stop, get out of your daily frenzy and take clear notice of what is happening around you. Even in the most manic of times, pausing to be grateful gives you a few moments to breathe. To readjust. To reset the sails. 

There are some great suggestions in this article 4 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude Every Day.

One of my favorite suggestions is beginning each day writing in a journal. Taking time to write down three things you are grateful for can help ground you a bit before you begin your day. It allows you to clear out any negative and focus on the good. I am a believer that what we concentrate on manifests in our lives, so I encourage you to set your gratitude ritual. 

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” 

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

What I know for sure is that I am grateful to bring Breathing Spaces to you along with a fantastic group of people to support you from behind the scenes. You, all that you do, is making a difference in the life of your loved one. I honor you and support you on that journey. 

Be well,


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