How many times have you heard yourself saying; “I’m exhausted. I don’t know what to do. Am I doing this all wrong? Should I ask for help and if so, where do I go?”.
Family caregiving can be filled with a variety of emotions, and often, we are afraid to seek help. I remember times when I didn’t ask for help; afraid people would think I wasn’t up to the task. I did not practice the art of self-care. Yes, I said, ‘art.’ Because when it comes down to it, it is something you need to learn how to do.
Regardless of where you are or what you can do, there is power in believing that you can make a change and reaching out for support when you need it. Doing so allows you to:

Stop Negative Thoughts
Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Build Optimism
Our closed group on Facebook is dear to my heart. It’s a place we let members say what they need to without worrying about judgment. A place where we don’t push members to do anything, but instead encourage them to reach out when they need to and share information or perhaps ideas. Anyone is welcome, regardless of your location.
In the Bay Area of California, our walks are a tremendous opportunity to reach out for some of the most unique therapy I’ve ever gotten. Being able to talk with other caregivers without judgment, regardless of who they are caring for in a safe environment, is powerful. We have members across the globe, and as we continue to grow, our mission is to bring those walks to your area as well. Our Affiliate organizations host those walks, so if there is a company near you that might be interested, please let me know.
The twister wheel of anxiety can play a toll on your health. Whether it’s worrying about your loved one’s health, what to do next or reliving what has already happened, the effects of that twister wheel on your health may creep in slowly or may take you off your feet. I refer to that as looking in the rearview mirror; focusing in on things that have already happened trying to make changes in them is not safe. You have much more power in the present moment.
Heal yourself, tend to your needs too, so that you can better support your loved one. Perhaps you’ve heard that before, but honestly, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
Don’t forget to B-R-E-A-T-H-E.