With holidays upon us, this should be a happy time. Regardless of your faith, between scurrying around for gifts, decorating, cooking, perhaps more pressure can be mounting on your already full days of caregiving. You want to make it just ‘right’ for your loved one, to brighten their spirits, or perhaps brighten yours. But in turn, often, we make the season more hectic than it needs to be.
An added, often unexpected twist is encountering grief. Something that will derail you when you least expect it. We have three members of our closed Facebook Group who have just lost their Mothers and Mother-in-Law over the past few weeks. I lost my best friend, Parris, as well. Though I understand the grief process, it doesn’t make it any easier.
Regardless of whether you’ve just lost someone physically, or your loved one has taken a turn for the worse, or it was years ago that you lost them, emotions can fly in directions without warning. You feel as though you’re doing ok and in a blink, you’ve broken down into tears or perhaps erupted in anger at someone in the grocery store. Added to that, the holidays and needing to keep up with the to-dos and merriment becomes a daunting task. How many more things can you do?
Don’t be ashamed of your grief or your stress. You’re human, and you have a hall pass to just ‘be.’ Maybe this is the year that you go to lunch with a friend instead of exchanging gifts, or have your holiday dinner delivered ahead of time, prepared so that you’re not running around. Take time to make a snow angel, go for a walk or make time for that long bath and aroma oil scents filling the air. I use our Young Living Oils often and most notably have had them flowing to lift my spirits or help quiet my soul during the past few weeks.
I know there are times you have to keep going and can’t stop, but you do yourself and your loved ones here, or their memories a disservice if you don’t practice slowing down, just a bit. We have no guarantees what tomorrow will bring or even the next moment. Please, do something that brings joy to your heart. If there is something you’ve wanted to do, find a way.
On a personal note, I’d like to thank our Partner; Bay Area Cancer Connections. Not only for what they do for so many, but the endearing care they gave to my friend Parris during her cancer journey. She was so touched by the genuine care and support they gave her, even in her last days, she mentioned them. We bring our partners in for a reason because we believe in what they do. So if you are in the area and need help, or perhaps are in a position to donate to them, please do. Help them keep up the vigil of care, which they do so very well.
Be kind to yourself.