The Best and Worst Times to Make Decisions

Have you ever noticed when there is a lot of noise around you, whether it be traffic, neighbors, or a loud television, that it’s difficult to concentrate? I remember when I was at my first office job, and when I walked into the office, it was pure silence. I thought, how can these people work when it’s so quiet? 


Throughout the years, I’ve understood the importance of being able to concentrate without distractions. Yet, depending upon the task, I do find myself adding music in the background. Saturday mornings range from calming piano to Zac Brown, depending on the job, and it does make whatever I‘m doing a bit more enjoyable. 

Rewind to caregiving days when many decisions needed to be made, emotions balanced, appointments lined up, online searching for care. Fear often an underlying current that was ready to strike a sneaker wave at any moment of complete unbalance. Nine times out of ten, your heart will give you the answer that you need. Unfortunately, your mind may want to argue with it. 

If you find yourself in this position, try these steps:

  • Get yourself in a quiet space – no technology running 

  • Take three deep breaths slowly in — and — out……

  • Make a list of pros and cons so that you can see what’s in front of you

  • Make the best decision under the circumstances and be at peace with yourself that you’re doing your best

We are not always in a position to be able to pull out of a chaotic environment to make a decision. Often you are on the spot for an immediate (or close to) resolution. Finding ways to be still and quickly pull yourself away mentally to evaluate the situation and take a look at pros vs cons can make a significant difference.

When you are running around trying to make difficult decisions, chances are you’ll make the wrong ones or ones you wished you had taken just a few minutes to think through. Impulse decisions don’t work unless, of course, it’s an emergency, and 911 IS the answer. Grounded, balanced checking in – works. 

Allow yourself to pull away from being overwhelmed as much as you can. Handoff tasks that can be done by someone else or done at a later date. Let go of beating yourself up – “I wish I would have….” won’t fix anything. I tried, trust me on this one.

Be gentle, be at peace, and know you’ve done your best. 



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