There comes the point in time when you’ve been waiting to say something, waiting for the ‘perfect’ moment, unsure of when or how, and somehow you hold your breath until – boom!
There are different types of people in the world, some that blurt out something without thinking, others that ponder and rehash, others that are so tuned in they come up with the perfect time and with an eloquent loft speak their truth.
I wonder at times where I fall into that. As a caregiver, I would think about what I wanted to say and when I should, sometimes. Other times I’d find the sweet spot, and things would come out just fine. Other times, when I held on to something, talked about things that were happening to what seemed a ‘deaf’ ear, and then exploded. Proud of myself on that last one? Hardly.
Pent up emotions or things we have on our chest are like a virus. They seed in and worsen over time until something is done as a resolve. No one likes conflict. Ok, there are some that do, but I think most of us prefer peace.
Finding a way to speak our truth in an environment of people that understand cannot be understated. That’s one reason we’ve formed a Closed Group on Facebook and in thanks to our awesome coach volunteers and Partner that we value so highly, Bay Area Cancer Connections, have been doing Virtual Caregiver Support Retreats for months now.
Places where as a current or former caregiver, you can be heard without judgment. Places that you can voice what is happening for you to people that understand and often have been right where you are. A soft-landing place to ease what can be a delicate balance.
We highly recommend seeking out professional counseling if it’s needed. I saw a counselor as a caregiver, and it made a tremendous difference for me. So too, did communicating with other caregivers.
Take a peek at our groups and see if something resonates for you—looking for something in particular that you don’t see on our website? Let me know. I am always here for you with ears wide open.
We are evolving and changing at Breathing Spaces, and I can’t wait to show you what’s coming next. But for now, join us if it calls for you to do so. We’d love to see you.