One Last Pause Before the New Year

As we remember the year behind us, I encourage you to pause. Over time, I’ve started looking at the New Year as a time to reflect on the year that has passed and open myself up to the infinite possibilities ahead.


Time is an illusion, and perfection is a hamster wheel. None of us has a crystal ball on just how long we have left on this earthy plane. A few weeks ago, a good friend and one of our own sat in the hospital for days with her mom, who was rushed in for gastro issues. Out of nowhere, both of their lives changed on a dime. Life can shift that quickly and planning may not be possible.

None of us knows what the future holds, and one thing that this past year has brought into even more focus for me is being in the present moment. Where you have power is NOW. Stop speed dialing through your to-do list and pause. Stop replaying what has already taken place and move forward. The wrangling during the night about conversations you wish had gone differently, the chances you didn’t take, the flashback to years ago, none of these are events that can be changed.

Challenges will happen in your life. If you can, pause before reacting. Maybe you’ve missed a traffic light, and you’re running late for an appointment. That light may have been the greatest gift that day by avoiding an accident you would have been in had you made the light. A bit fluffy for you? Perhaps, perhaps not. You don’t know. Try a mindset change – “Man, I wish I had made that light!” But there may be a good reason, so thank you for what I don’t know.” You change your potentially negative energy into a bit more of a flow.

Approach difficulties with a kind heart instead of pushing through with your own agenda. Maybe, just maybe, pulling back and seeing a bigger picture gives new clarity to a situation. Rather than focus on the negatives that may have woven themselves into your life, can you open yourself up to possibilities ahead? Be grateful for the moments that filled your heart?

Honor the mistakes you have made, remembering that you are human. Honor yourself for the incredible person you are and the brilliance you bring to the world. Acknowledge the lives you have touched you and pay respect to yourself for the positive impact you have made on the lives of others.

In this New Year, I encourage you to:

  • Take the time you have right now and play, try new things, do something you’ve always wanted to, no matter how small that is.
  • Follow your heart.
  • Practice gratitude throughout your day by noticing the ‘ordinary.’
  • Be kind through your new year, and let it begin with YOU.

I wish you peace and gentle heart-filled moments throughout the days ahead.



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