Peaceful Interactions

Do you ever stop to reflect on the effect you have on other people’s lives? You can be the reason someone smiles, including yourself, but you can cause a negative reaction as well. Good, bad, or indifferent, the energy we put out influences the energy we receive. Isn’t it better, then, to choose positive, peaceful responses whenever we can?

Peaceful Interactions

I had a service appointment snafu occur this week after an appointment blunder by a technician. It created a domino effect on my schedule; truth be told, I wasn’t happy. When I called back to reschedule the appointment, I took a few deep breaths before speaking with the service agent. She had such a kind, sweet voice. Calmly, I let her know about the goof, my disappointment, and how grateful I would be if she could help figure it out.

By the end of the call, she had gone above and beyond to ensure things would be taken care of. I thanked her for such excellent service; you’d think I handed her a winning lotto ticket. It is understandable to get upset about unforeseen occurrences but be careful where you direct your responses. That sweet woman went out of her way, partly due to the kindness I showed her. I wonder how often she gets an ear full for something out of her control.

Negativity is challenging, whether it is caused by a stressful situation or from being around someone who grumps and growls through their days. Even worse, such attitudes can spread like wildfire. We take the energy from events throughout our days, which can sometimes build up in a toxic way, often when you aren’t even noticing. Who would have won if I had gone into that call with the service agent biting her head off? Neither of us.

I’ve found that clearing energy between events or appointments – or even between tasks – can be an excellent way to be present for yourself and the person you are interacting with. It helps you to let go of what has just transpired and set the stage for a positive outcome.

An excellent practice for this is breath-work. It’s simple; no one even needs to know you’re doing it. I’ve found it an effortless and effective way to clear my head of distractions and reduce stress while resetting my energy for the next interaction or task ahead. Here’s an example of one technique that I use, 4-4-8 Breathing:

  • While sitting, breathe in through your nose for a count of 4, taking the breath into your stomach.
  • Hold your breath for a count of 4.
  • Release your breath through your mouth with a whooshing sound for a count of 8.
  • Without a break, breathe in again for a count of 4, repeating the entire technique 3-4 times in a row.
  • Focus on counting when breathing in, holding the breath, and breathing out.

Finding ways to pause and reset your energy creates a ripple effect of peace. Let it begin with you.




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