Embracing Change, Loss, and Time Gone By

I am in the midst of moving (quite a task, I must say) and I’ve been struck by just how quickly time passes. Packing up my belongings has brought forth memories that stir my heart, some from the beginning days of Breathing Spaces. I’ve been handling cherished keepsakes that remind me of moments and loved ones, gazing at old photographs that evoke sweet memories, and pondering over moments that have slipped away. While this marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter, it has also underscored the importance of pausing amid the hustle, particularly in light of recent news that deeply affected me.

Blog Art - June 27

Yesterday, I received word through a friend from Breathing Spaces about the passing of one of our long-time participants. I’ll respectfully refer to her as “M.” She was a remarkable individual who devoted herself to caring for her 99-year-old mother, pouring her heart into ensuring her mother remained engaged and well. M’s insights and sharp wit often led our discussions into profound reflections, and her humor never failed to brighten our gatherings. She was a simple woman who loved her swimming pool and trips down to Florida. A woman who enjoyed life and the simple pleasure that it holds.

Our Care Circles are spaces where emotions run deep, stories are shared freely, and laughter can unexpectedly lighten the weightiest of conversations. It’s in these moments that breathing becomes a little easier. Despite the challenging topics we tackle, there’s always a subtle transformation among those who attend by the time we part ways. Some have been with us for years, others come and go, and “M” will be sorely missed.

As I look ahead to this Saturday’s Care Circle, I anticipate feeling a profound void, perhaps shedding tears as I do now while writing. These emotions are gentle reminders of the swift nature of our days, the significance of the moments in between, and the invaluable friendships we cultivate along the way.

When we are young we want time to go faster, and then as we age it feels like time is running out – which it sometimes does quite unexpectedly.

I encourage all of you to embrace the moment you are in – be mindful of yourself and others – your brain does not have to move at the speed of light. Breathe. Thank those in your life for who they are and what they do for you. And of course, don’t forget to acknowledge yourself as well.

Dear M, thank you for being a part of the Breathing Spaces family. You were a gem and will be missed, my friend.

Peaceful hugs,


1 thought on “Embracing Change, Loss, and Time Gone By”

  1. Hello Cyndi,

    I am so sorry about the loss of “M.” Grief takes so many shapes. The shape of a loved one, the shape of leaving behind a home, community, and even some of the boxes we have dragged around for years. It is those people and things that make up our histories and habits and they are painful to let go of.

    I wish you good health, joy and wonderful experiences ahead of you in your new home.
    Crossing the threshold of a new life is a courageous act.

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