Motivation – Got Some?

There are days when it is much harder to be motivated than others. I often wonder why it is people think they have to be motivated at all times in order to move forward with something.

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Most of us have times when we feel motivated and times when we don’t. Feeling motivated is exhilarating, inspiring and energy driven. Lack of motivation can be sluggish, messy and an energy drainer.

From time to time all of us have felt like pulling the covers over our heads and going back to sleep when the alarm goes off. Most of the time, however, we get up. It’s not motivation necessarily that gets us going. It’s determination and good judgment. We don’t want to be late for work or miss an important appointment.

People say they can’t do something because they don’t feel motivated. I submit to you: you don’t have to be motivated. You just have to get the job done. There are deadlines that have to be met, projects needing to be finished, and children that need to be fed, carpooled, and cared for.

I can pretty much guarantee that most parents aren’t motivated to get up in the middle of the night when they hear their child crying, but we do get up because we love our children and because we have made a commitment to keep them safe. So, motivation by any other name can be defined as responsibility, determination, grit, commitment, and willpower.

Here are some ways we can find motivation:
  • Know what drives you; your values, desires, and passions and follow
  • Seek guidance, stimulation and support from friends, family, acquaintances, teachers, and mentors.
  • Help others.
  • Be creative – take a dance, music, art or singing break.
  • Avoid negative people, places, and things, and much of social media.
  • Read an inspirational book or poem, listen to an uplifting speaker on YouTube. Stay curious and explore new ideas, perspectives, and information.

These are all ways to get the motivation juices flowing.

When I am writing I don’t always feel motivated and have to push myself because there is a deadline looming ahead of me. Then there are other times I can hardly wait to put my thoughts down on paper because something I have learned is so exciting and may be valuable to someone else.

I often find inspiration from my diminutive friend Yoda from Star Wars. Among his many wise sayings, this is one of my favorites: “Do or do not. There is no try.”

Reflection: I remind myself that I don’t always have to feel motivated to complete a task.  

Today’s Practice:  What can I do to motivate myself even when I don’t feel like it?

1 thought on “Motivation – Got Some?”

  1. I love this! Thank you. And the quote from Yoda I can relate to. It reminds me of the quote that sometimes gets me up off my chair to do something I prefer not to do – “just do it” or “just get ‘er done”.

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