Living From a Place of Joy

Have you ever wondered about the difference between happiness and joy? Learning the difference between the two can help you live a more meaningful and purposeful life.

Blog - Happiness and Joy

Joy is the selfless feeling of extreme happiness and pleasure. You may have joy when you care for others, watch a sunset, are thankful or grateful or have spiritual experiences. Joy may often require great self-sacrifice; you’ll feel lasting inward contentment and peace. This feeling may not be about yourself, but you may feel this way by helping others.

Happiness is seeking pleasure and comfort. Joy is seeking meaning and purpose in life.

Happiness is an outward expression. Joy is an inner feeling.

Happiness is temporary and lasts for a short duration of time but joy lasts for a long time even as a memory.

Every human being possesses three gifts: humanity, talent, and wisdom. They are all grounded in joy.

  • The first type of gift is humanity – who you are.
    The way you share your true self’s inner goodness. It is about who we are and how we can better treat one another and the world. Helping someone else helps us feel joy.
  • The second type of gift is your talent – what you do.
    What you are good at, and what you do with that talent, and how do you bring it into the world. Some of us are good listeners, some of us make music, and some of us are great with numbers.
  • The third type of gift is your wisdom – what you know.
    What you have learned from your life experience and education that can be useful to others. Most of us have gotten through hard times and we can assure others they will, too.
Here is a “toolkit” that can help you give and get joy:


  • Call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while.
  • Send a note to someone telling them how you appreciate them.
  • Write a kind note, text, or email complimenting someone’s work.
  • Listen to someone when they are having a bad day.


  • Knock on a neighbor’s door to check in.
  • Reach out to someone you admire and let them know how they influenced you.
  • Smile at a stranger.
  • Speak up about something that matters to you.

Happiness may not be the best thing to aim for, but joy can be highly gratifying in a way that is long-lasting and has an impact on making the world a better place.

Reflection: When was the last time you experienced joy?

Today’s Practice: What is one thing you can do to bring joy to someone?

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