When I was in my 30’s life seemed eternal; I had so much time left. But before I knew it, I somehow slipped past being 50, and as I walk into my 60’s, I’m looking at the other end of life. Am I happy? Am I taking the time to do something for myself during the week both for my physical and mental health? Do I have documents in order/my wishes known for the end of my life? Does someone know my account passwords so that accounts can be tended to if necessary or closed out?
When you recognize that you no longer have all of the time in the world to figure things out it can be unsettling, but it can also give way to being sure that you are doing things that matter most and be prepared. I have spoken with several family caregivers this week that have unexpectedly lost their loved ones or someone close to them. Life can change so quickly and thinking ahead, discussing your loved one’s desires, as well as your own, should be on your to-do list — all of our to-do lists.
Here are some ideas that you might want to incorporate in your life:
Make a list/journal about things that you want to/have wanted to do. They may not all be attainable which is ok, but it gives way for possibilities.
Notice what you are thinking about and focusing on. Are you thinking about all of the things you wish you would have done instead of creating new memories?
Identify what is important in your life and if there is something that is no longer validating stop doing it or let it go.
Listen and be clear on what you want and start to journal about it. Create the life that you want, don’t just dream about it.
Don’t leave things for ‘tomorrow’ but stop multitasking. Everything does not have to be done right-this-minute.
Establish a supportive community of people that contribute positively and encourage you.
Every single day, express your gratitude. Little things can manifest into bigger things.
We go through this life in far too much of a hurry at times. Easy to get caught up in the day-to-day, focus on regrets and ‘if only’…..don’t let that happen to you. Family caregiving is not for the faint of heart; please take time out and don’t let yourself get lost in the shuffle.
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”~Buddha