Creating a Sense of Calm in Your Life
Raise your hands; how many of you are up in the middle of the night thinking about where you’ve put something, trying to remember appointments, etc.? ... Read more.
Shifting Your Energy
“When you think of self-care, what pops to mind first? Often exercising, eating well, and sleeping are at the top of the list. Does meditation cross your mind?... Read more.
Soups On!
Though caregivers pay close attention to the special dietary needs of the person they're caring for, they often ignore their own…..... Read more.
Are You Willing to Ask?
…there is something about being a family caregiver that we tend to take ownership and where reaching out is tabu.... Read more.
Too busy?
Here’s what happens. You keep stockpiling the ‘I’ll do it tomorrow’ thoughts to the point that your cluttered mind gets even more cluttered……... Read more.