Caregiving and Gratitude
As the holidays near, I can't help but think of the relatives who won't be with us as we celebrate Thanksgiving next week, and the other holidays that follow soon... Read more.
Telling Stories
Some of the best stories I've heard came from my grandparents. Sometimes these were made-up tales - bits of fiction to entertain small children - but other times... Read more.
Autumn Light
As caregivers, we must be aware that the people we support often react to the change of seasons with heightened emotions. When my grandmother was first sliding into... Read more.
Remote Caregiving
Remote caregiving was often spotlighted as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in the early days when much of the world was in some sort of lockdown,... Read more.
Sing a Song
My grandmother's lullabies (is it still a lullaby if it's morning, though?) to her flowers were more than just idle sounds. Rather, they were an expression of her... Read more.