The Summer Solstice: A Time for Balance
Balmy summer afternoons seem made for these quieter pursuits, a twist on the traditional siesta of the Latin world. I have strong memories of sharing the front porch... Read more.
Stormy Weather
At six, eight, ten, thirteen, I was not afraid of storms, and even loved the electric crackle of lightning, and the distant (and not-so-distant) booming of thunder,... Read more.
Writing Letters
Letter-writing is often considered a lost art, but it shouldn't be. Texting is great for immediate information or a quick thought. Email is fantastic for exchanging... Read more.
Lessons Learned from the River
There is more than one right way. Sometimes we get stuck following a method or practice for doing something because "we've always done it that way." But sometimes... Read more.
Swimming Into Meditation
I move toward the deeper side, where there are lanes marked for lap-swimming. I’m not the world’s greatest athlete, but I learned to swim before I could walk,... Read more.