Laughter through Tears
Humor has long been my personal "coping mechanism," and I often tell people that sarcasm is my second language, but I come by this honestly. Everyone in my family,... Read more.
Playing Games
Instantly I'm ten years old, sitting on the ancient beige chintz sofa in my grandparents' den, racing with my grandfather to see which of us could answer first,... Read more.
Walking the Harbor
At the last pier, there was a bench where we would sit and overlook the boat launch. Sometimes, we'd see people carefully backing their cars toward the water, guiding... Read more.
Beach Days
Going to the beach, then, became something of an adventure. We had to pack extra clothing and hygiene products (we were all in California by then, and unlike New... Read more.
Memorial Day Musings
There is nothing wrong with going to the beach or having a family picnic on Memorial Day. My grandfather, who died when I was twenty-one, often reminded us that... Read more.