The Liminal Space
The word liminal comes from the Latin word “limen,” which means threshold. It’s the space between what was and what will be. It is fluid, uncertain, and sacred. It’s where we transform.
The word liminal comes from the Latin word “limen,” which means threshold. It’s the space between what was and what will be. It is fluid, uncertain, and sacred. It’s where we transform.
This timeless rhyme invites us to look in the mirror and confront the fractures in our world and within ourselves.
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As the New Year begins, I’ve resolved to tune into what I call the Love Channel—a place of inner peace and connection. It’s not a physical space but more like a state of being, one that allows us to approach life with love, even during uncertainty, difficulty, or isolation. And I know how hard
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Happy New Year 2025. To me, a new year feels like the first, crisp page of an empty notebook, the clean surface of a blank canvas, or a pristine beach with nary a footprint embedded in the expanse of white sand. It’s a world of possibilities and wonder. What will this new year hold?
As we reach the final days of this year, I wonder, where does your heart lie right now? Are you looking forward with a bit of worry about what’s to come? Maybe you’re mentally rewinding, replaying moments, and thinking, “If only” or “I should have.” Or perhaps you’re holding onto a sense of hope, creating a vision for yourself that fills your heart—time to create what your heart has been nudging you about finally.
May Peace be With You Read More »