The Breathing Spaces Blog

Creative Compassion:
Art Making as a Compassionate Practice


Every time I sit down to make art, I get lost. In a good way. There is something about the experience of engaging in this creative act that immediately pulls me in. All thoughts fade away, and I am instantly immersed in the feel of the paint brush in my hand, the sound of the pencil as it moves, the movement of my body as I move the supplies, and of course the visual evolution of the image taking shape on the page. This sensory experience that is so much a part of creation brings me fully and completely to the present moment.

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Motivation – Got Some?

Blog - Motivation - Got Some_

There are days when it is much harder to be motivated than others. I often wonder why it is people think they have to be motivated at all times in order to move forward with something. Most of us have times when we feel motivated and times when we don’t. Feeling motivated is exhilarating, inspiring

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The Good-Enough Caregiver

Blog - Good Enough

As you embark on this caregiving journey, one thing stands out: the roles you play as a caregiver. Just as you have different roles in your everyday life, caregiving introduces you to new ‘parts’ of your identity. With the addition of caregiving responsibilities, you learn to adapt, sometimes changing your roles or expanding the ones you already hold.

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Embracing Change, Loss, and Time Gone By

Blog Art - June 27

I am in the midst of moving (quite a task, I must say) and I’ve been struck by just how quickly time passes. Packing up my belongings has brought forth memories that stir my heart, some from the beginning days of Breathing Spaces. I’ve been handling cherished keepsakes that remind me of moments and loved ones, gazing at old photographs that evoke sweet memories, and pondering over moments that have slipped away.

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The Walker

Blog Art

I’ve come to recognize a particular sound. The sound of a walker as it thumps, drags, and scrapes across the floor. My husband, Mark, is now using a walker. I’m not sure if he is pushing the walker or the walker is pulling him. Whichever it is, I am grateful it is keeping my husband

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