
Guest Post: Introducing Dependable Daughter
by Angel Westerman


Is there really a difference in adult protective underwear? Many people have asked me the same question… “Are your products really better than what I buy at the store?”  The answer is YES! There is a big difference especially for those with heavier incontinence issues.  The key factors to look at are ABSORBENCY, DRYNESS, and DIGNITY

Guest Post: Introducing Dependable Daughter | by Angel Westerman Read More »

Creative Compassion:
Art Making as a Compassionate Practice


Every time I sit down to make art, I get lost. In a good way. There is something about the experience of engaging in this creative act that immediately pulls me in. All thoughts fade away, and I am instantly immersed in the feel of the paint brush in my hand, the sound of the pencil as it moves, the movement of my body as I move the supplies, and of course the visual evolution of the image taking shape on the page. This sensory experience that is so much a part of creation brings me fully and completely to the present moment.

Creative Compassion: | Art Making as a Compassionate Practice Read More »

Breathing Spaces: Your Haven for Recovery, Healing, and Support

Blog Art - Jan 4

My involvement in a walking support group with local healthcare organizations eventually led me to assume leadership of the program, growing it from just walking to other programs and a robust group of family caregivers. At the same time the grand funding ended for that program, I lost my mom. It was a devastating period of my life, but I came out of it with a clear mission: to ensure that others didn’t feel alone and to develop programs to guide anyone entering our ‘doors’ toward a new way of being. I envisioned a virtual haven for recovery, healing, and support. That was the beginning of Breathing Spaces.

Breathing Spaces: Your Haven for Recovery, Healing, and Support Read More »

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