
Cause and Effect

As we engage in various situations in our home and work lives, there may be situations that occur that bring a sense of heaviness. Though our days as adults may not be filled with such simple moments, I wonder if we might be able to map out time to have similar ones? Whether it is the list of things that need to be done or the emotions that are circling us, clearing a path is important for our own energy and that of those we encounter.

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The Great Wall of Fear

Great Wall of Fear

Though often unrecognized, fear stands in our way like a brick wall. It blocks us from conversations and leads us to assume the worst possible outcome. Which fear is it? There are several: Fear of the unknown? Yes. Fear of becoming the same man himself later in life? Very likely. Fear of his father dying and then turning back later wishing he had done something differently? Absolutely.

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Improvisation and Caregiving

Yes And?

What I’ve learned since then is that caregiving IS improv. Moods change, aging parents sometimes lose track of the here and now, young children resent it when they don’t feel heard, and nobody likes hearing “no.” Improv isn’t a total cure-all, but its core is cooperation. Being a partner  – a teammate – to the person you care for is infinitely preferable to being an authority figure or dictator, which is a role too many of us slip into.

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Reflections on Fall: Changes and Letting Go

Van Gogh02

Fall brings on a sense of change and is a time of year that I look forward to. I am in awe of the colors changing, and the temperatures getting cooler gives me a nudge to turn inwards. A time of reflection and the ability to clear out what is no longer serving me.

Whether it is cleaning out my closets as I shift my clothing around or sitting down on a Sunday morning to journal, a bit more than I usually do. We all need a sense of renewal and releasing of patterns, things that no longer serve us. That conversation you wish had gone differently that keeps reappearing in your mind, it’s time to let it go.

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Playing Games

Playing Games

Instantly I’m ten years old, sitting on the ancient beige chintz sofa in my grandparents’ den, racing with my grandfather to see which of us could answer first, while my grandmother made comments about which of us should know the answer. I didn’t know, then, that their daily viewing of this television show was part of my grandmother’s attempt to ensure that my grandfather’s brain remained stimulated and active.

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