
Writing Letters


Letter-writing is often considered a lost art, but it shouldn’t be. Texting is great for immediate information or a quick thought. Email is fantastic for exchanging timely thoughts. Letters, handwritten or typed, sealed into envelopes, and sent by mail are textual portraits, freeze-frames of specific moments in time that capture thoughts, feelings, hopes, and dreams and put them all down on paper.

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Lessons Learned from the River


There is more than one right way. Sometimes we get stuck following a method or practice for doing something because “we’ve always done it that way.” But sometimes trying a new way of doing something helps give us a new perspective and better results. In my case, I knew one way of turning my boat, which was to paddle only on the side opposite of the direction I wanted to go. What my teacher showed me, was that I could also turn the boat by pushing the paddle forward on the same side I wanted to go.

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Happiness in the Details

Happiness Walk

What if I challenged you to try something new today? Disrupt the cycle. Pay extra attention to the tiny details: the flowers popping up seemingly out of nowhere, a smile on a child’s face, the older man giving his wife a smooch. Noticing those simple moments can slow your racing heart and mind by creating a positive shift.

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The Great Wall of Fear

Great Wall of Fear

Though often unrecognized, fear stands in our way like a brick wall. It blocks us from conversations and leads us to assume the worst possible outcome. Which fear is it? There are several: Fear of the unknown? Yes. Fear of becoming the same man himself later in life? Very likely. Fear of his father dying and then turning back later wishing he had done something differently? Absolutely.

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Repost: State of Grace

State of Grace

I started a practice back then that I continue today; I keep a gratitude journal and every day I write down at least five things that I am grateful for first thing in the morning. It helps set the tone for my day to walk in with grace rather than…oh gosh, today I’ve got to…….”. 

By taking a bit of quiet time to yourself and setting the intention of your day in gratitude, you may well shift the entire outcome. Your energy creates more energy, so the more you can stay in a state of grace, even amidst the strongest waves of negativity, the more power you have to change the results or at least the energy within yourself.  

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