Creating Calm

Compassionate Conversations:
Becoming Heart-full

Blog Art - Breathe Love

There is a difference between acceptance and allowing. Acceptance is an acknowledgment—it is seeing things as they are, without resistance or judgment. It is a necessary step, but it can sometimes feel like a passive state, as if we are simply agreeing to what is. Allowing, on the other hand, is an active process. It invites us to soften, to make space, to open the door and let life move through us.

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Resetting Your Energy and Instilling Calm

Art - Resetting your energy

Sigh. Pause. Breathe. Some days, you may feel like you’re holding on to the last moment of peace when one more thing jolts you—time for a meltdown. Sometimes you can see it coming; other times things show up like a brick wall and take you off-center. You cannot always control what happens – they are part of life. As much as we all like endless days of calm with everything falling into place, life can have other ideas.

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