Elder Care

Telling Stories

We Are All Made of Stories

Some of the best stories I’ve heard came from my grandparents. Sometimes these were made-up tales – bits of fiction to entertain small children – but other times they were gifts of memories, personal or family histories, things that make us who we are.

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Autumn Light

Autumn light

As caregivers, we must be aware that the people we support often react to the change of seasons with heightened emotions. When my grandmother was first sliding into dementia, the simple act of packing away her summer clothes and bringing out her warmer winter wardrobe would make her anxious. Where were her belongings going, and would she get them back?

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Repost: Are You Ready?


Then it happens; your loved one is admitted to the hospital and decisions need to be made about whether to go on to a care home or perhaps hire in-home care.

Are you ready? Have you explored options? Do you know the difference between in-home care vs a care facility? Is there an advanced directive in place? POLST if necessary? Do you understand Palliative Care? Hospice?

I think you get where I’m going here… prior proper planning. Family caregiving can be stressful and not being prepared, finding yourself in the throws of a major health shift can blindside you.

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Grace Notes: When Grandma Moved In

African Violets

Still, as I try to be as ruthless as possible with deciding what to store until we find a new house, what to bring with us for the month or two we’ll be staying with my mother, and what to sell or give away, what I remember is all the ways Mom helped Grandma find comfort and a sense of home in a house that wasn’t hers, and I thought I’d share them here, because it’s something many of us will experience as our own parents age.

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Learning to Let Go

It’s a dilemma we all have as the people we love age, move out of their homes and into ours (or care homes) and eventually die. On the one hand, those family treasures are imbued with a ton of meaning. On the other, they’re just things, and keeping a clock or a table or even my stepfather’s collection of science and match textbooks doesn’t make my memories any stronger, just as donating or selling these things won’t diminish them.  

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