Emotional Support

Emotional Endurance
for Caregivers: Strengthening Emotional Muscles
through Journaling

BLOG ART - Emotional Endurance

Caregiving is a journey that demands an immense amount of endurance, both physically and emotionally. As caregivers, we are constantly called upon to provide support, compassion, and love to those in our care. Yet, it is also very important that we do not neglect our own emotional well-being. Endurance is not just about the ability to keep going; it is about the strength to maintain our own inner balance and resilience.

Emotional Endurance | for Caregivers: Strengthening Emotional Muscles | through Journaling Read More »

Unseen Sacrifices and the Importance of Acknowledging Our Feelings

It doesn’t matter whether you are a caregiver by choice, by default, or by profession; my guess is that all of you – most of you – have hit that point. It’s a point you were sure you’d never get to because you were finding ways to balance your life, or so you thought. Meanwhile, underneath was a ‘live’ gopher hole undermining your existence. You felt yourself crumbling under the right circumstances or among the group of people you could usually talk to. Yet you somehow managed to mask the real emotions that were happening.

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Emotional Freedom and Life Balance

Enter BreathWork with Anthony Metten. Anthony himself is an incredible human being. His background is diverse, and his impact both insightful and uplifting. As a Care Circle leader, he has lent his expertise and guidance to many caregivers, providing support in our monthly gatherings. When Anthony brought my attention to his new adventure: guiding Breathwork, you can believe he had my full attention.

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