
Mindful, Balanced Living is Obtainable

Set your intention throughout the day to pay attention. When events start to rattle you pause, ever so briefly. And pull your attention back into that early morning moment of grounding and peace.

Even the most “tuned in” people in the world have moments that rattle them. There are outside energies that play in, and it may well be later in the day, or days after, that you realize which pain point that was triggered.

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Affirmations for Change

Your feelings come up for a reason, so burying them may seem like what you need to do (“I’ll deal with it later.” Sound familiar?), but by doing so, you are creating a path for eruption later. Give yourself time. Allow yourself the downtime to reflect on what you are feeling and what is happening in your life. Pick up that journal and let yourself uncover what may be going on inside of you. Doing so may unearth something that has been needing light, and by addressing it, a solution may be possible. LISTEN to what your heart says – it knows a lot.

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Asking for Help

Amid the turbulence, do you find yourself so paralyzed that you cannot raise your hand for help? Perhaps you’re assuming that others will surely see your intention and your needs without making it ‘perfectly clear’? Or perhaps more often the case, ashamed that you ‘need’ to ask?

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