
Emotional Whiplash

Photo: Adege via Pixabay

The holidays are upon us, which adds yet another layer of responsibilities. Whether it’s baking cookies or coordinating a gift for your mom from the family, this time of year has its own pressure. Or perhaps it’s navigating the grief of a loved one no longer with you. All of this can have an additional impact this time of year. Speaking to a friend about this recently, we referred to this as “emotional whiplash.” You might feel emotions and deep-seated feelings that others won’t understand, side by side with the demands of what needs to be done. 

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Silencing Mind-Chatter

Silencing Mind Chatter

All of this can chip away at your emotions over time. The emotional outcome might be feelings of failure, worthlessness, hopelessness, or any other emotion. Perhaps your head ends up filled with thoughts like, “I’ll never be able to…” or “If only I had….” It’s understandable. All of it. And the things your mind keeps chattering at you only serve to distract and exhaust you.

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Reflections on Fall: Changes and Letting Go

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Fall brings on a sense of change and is a time of year that I look forward to. I am in awe of the colors changing, and the temperatures getting cooler gives me a nudge to turn inwards. A time of reflection and the ability to clear out what is no longer serving me.

Whether it is cleaning out my closets as I shift my clothing around or sitting down on a Sunday morning to journal, a bit more than I usually do. We all need a sense of renewal and releasing of patterns, things that no longer serve us. That conversation you wish had gone differently that keeps reappearing in your mind, it’s time to let it go.

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Change Your Perspective and Change Your Life

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Murphy’s Law warns us: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” That is a mindset that many people carry with them; is that you, too? It’s easy enough to do when you’ve hit your limit of things on your to-do list or experienced a series of negative events. But here’s a different perspective I would like you to consider: When things appear to be going wrong, what if they’re going right?

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