Online Care Circle

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join us in this opportunity to connect with other caregivers in a small setting from the comfort of your own home! Tell your story, share your experiences and gain support from others who understand what you’re going through in this safe and welcoming environment. “Thank you for your willingness to be present, to listen with […]

Death Salon

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Our society doesn’t provide many spaces to talk about death. Aside from a funeral or a wake, many folks feel it is inappropriate to bring up the subject. But death is happening all around us, all the time. A Death Salon is a gathering space to come together to talk about death. Whether it’s the […]

Creative Compassion Workshop

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Caring for Others Starts with Caring for Yourself Learn simple exercises in art making and meditation to help combat stress and offer yourself nourishment and restoration. Monthly Every Third Wednesday 8:00 - 9:30 PDT Online via Zoom $55 per Session Reserve Your Spot Today! Whether it’s work, or parenting, or caregiving, so often we take […]

Online Care Circle

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join us in this opportunity to connect with other caregivers in a small setting from the comfort of your own home! Tell your story, share your experiences and gain support from others who understand what you’re going through in this safe and welcoming environment. “Thank you for your willingness to be present, to listen with […]

Online Care Circle

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join us in this opportunity to connect with other caregivers in a small setting from the comfort of your own home! Tell your story, share your experiences and gain support from others who understand what you’re going through in this safe and welcoming environment. “Thank you for your willingness to be present, to listen with […]

Online Care Circle

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join us in this opportunity to connect with other caregivers in a small setting from the comfort of your own home! Tell your story, share your experiences and gain support from others who understand what you’re going through in this safe and welcoming environment. “Thank you for your willingness to be present, to listen with […]

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