About Care Circles

Online Care Circles for
Family Caregivers

Hosted by Bay Area Cancer Connections

Join us for opportunities to connect with other caregivers in a small setting from the comfort of your own home!

Tell your story, share your experiences, and gain support from others who understand what you’re going through in a safe and welcoming environment.

“Thank you [to all Care Circle attendees] for your willingness to be present, to listen with your hearts, to allow yourselves to be vulnerable and to offer support in a way only fellow caregivers truly understand.

You are a beacon of light that enables me to find my way home to myself.”

These free virtual meetings are supported by coaches volunteering their time, allowing you to reduce stress while giving you hope. Care Circles are facilitated by Christine Young and Anthony Metten who use their skills to support the entire community. Open to all caregivers, these Care Circles are sponsored by our Care Partner, Bay Area Cancer Connections (www.bayareacancer.org)

I am in other support groups, but this one (virtual retreat) really makes a difference. The agenda and the ability to speak back and forth creates an atmosphere of support like no other. Thank you.”

Additional Reading

Care Circles

When I was a caregiver for years for my mom and brother, I realized I was in uncharted territory, but the moment I connected with other caregivers, my life shifted. Whether it was hearing about emotional issues or discussing navigating healthcare, the connection piece became a powerful lifesaver. That experience is the core of why I started Breathing Spaces years ago. I wanted to offer a connection for others from a place of understanding, and the knowledge that voices must be heard, and stories must be told.
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Care Circles

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