About Journaling Workshops
Journaling Workshops
Brought to you by Cindy Gum

Cindy Gum is the host for our Journaling Journeys monthly writing Circle and is now offering special workshops for the Breathing Spaces community. As a licensed Marriage Family Therapist and an Ambassador of Compassion for Stanford’s Applied Compassion Academy, Cindy offers tremendous support to participants.
“I feel so grateful to have this platform that enables me to offer outreach to caregivers or anyone who wants to be a better giver-of-care to themselves. The fees associated with these Journaling Workshops go towards supporting the free services that Breathing Spaces provides. This is my way to give back and make sure the community continues to grow.” ~Cindy Gum
Cost to attend Workshops:
- Supporting: $35 (25 spaces available)
- Basic: $20 (15 spaces available)
- Reduced: $10 (10 spaces available)
Questions about journaling workshops can be directed to Cindy at [email protected]
Memories From the Heart ❤️
Maintaining the bonds of love through expressive writing and/or drawing.
This 1½ hour workshop is for anyone that has lost a loved one, whether it’s a recent loss or years ago. We will focus upon expressive writing and/or drawing to create a Little Book of Memories and Remembrances that come from your heart. If ‘home is where the heart is’ – then your memories need a home, even the painful ones.
Memories are meant to be acknowledged and validated and we need a way to safely store them in our heart, which is the home that holds our emotions and losses. Please come and join me on this journey back home, to your heart. A workshop for anyone who not only wants to send love, but receive love, as well.
In this workshop you will:
- Increase a feeling of connection to those that have passed recently or years ago.
- Create a continuing bond with the one you are remembering.
- Keep the love alive for those who are no longer ‘here’ or are here, but no longer capable of communication.
- Name, claim, validate and preserve your love in a heart-felt experience.
What you will need:
- A photo of the one you are remembering
- Writing paper
- Ink pen
- Colored pencils/markers are nice but not necessary
Coming Up:
Check back soon.
Journaling Workshops are open to anyone interested in a deeper exploration of their inner selves and meet on Zoom unless otherwise specified.
Please sign in 5 minutes ahead of time so that we are able to start on time.
Be sure your audio and video are on.