Balancing Life

Make Lists to Help Find Clarity

Find Clarity

These lists can be anything from doing laundry to composing a financial plan for yourself and will elevate the mind chatter and help alleviate missing things. I know some people who create a list with hours/times added to it. Personally, that’s a bit restrictive because there are times during my day that I know I need to get a shopping list together and balance my financial record, but my energy level may be drained that day. So, for me, having a general to-do list within a week highlighting deadlines is a more effective solution.

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Mindful, Balanced Living is Obtainable

Set your intention throughout the day to pay attention. When events start to rattle you pause, ever so briefly. And pull your attention back into that early morning moment of grounding and peace.

Even the most “tuned in” people in the world have moments that rattle them. There are outside energies that play in, and it may well be later in the day, or days after, that you realize which pain point that was triggered.

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Body and Soul

Like planting a seed in a garden, your soul also needs nourishment and tending to grow and survive. Is this the day you take a drive to one of your favorite places? Spend a few extra minutes in your garden? Turning on music that makes you dance?

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