
Embracing Change, Loss, and Time Gone By

Blog Art - June 27

I am in the midst of moving (quite a task, I must say) and I’ve been struck by just how quickly time passes. Packing up my belongings has brought forth memories that stir my heart, some from the beginning days of Breathing Spaces. I’ve been handling cherished keepsakes that remind me of moments and loved ones, gazing at old photographs that evoke sweet memories, and pondering over moments that have slipped away.

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Affirmations for Change

Your feelings come up for a reason, so burying them may seem like what you need to do (“I’ll deal with it later.” Sound familiar?), but by doing so, you are creating a path for eruption later. Give yourself time. Allow yourself the downtime to reflect on what you are feeling and what is happening in your life. Pick up that journal and let yourself uncover what may be going on inside of you. Doing so may unearth something that has been needing light, and by addressing it, a solution may be possible. LISTEN to what your heart says – it knows a lot.

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