
Remote Caregiving

Reote Caregiving

Remote caregiving was often spotlighted as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in the early days when much of the world was in some sort of lockdown, but the reality is that those of us who don’t live near our parents are often faced with providing care and support from afar, and while it may seem easy from outside, it’s really very challenging in its own way.

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Repost: Are You Ready?


Then it happens; your loved one is admitted to the hospital and decisions need to be made about whether to go on to a care home or perhaps hire in-home care.

Are you ready? Have you explored options? Do you know the difference between in-home care vs a care facility? Is there an advanced directive in place? POLST if necessary? Do you understand Palliative Care? Hospice?

I think you get where I’m going here… prior proper planning. Family caregiving can be stressful and not being prepared, finding yourself in the throws of a major health shift can blindside you.

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Finding a New Way


I recently found a different way. The caregiving after-effects can run long and deep. Just when you think you’ve got it neatly tucked away, it whirls back up like a tornado. Perhaps it’s the 7th anniversary of mom passing, approaching along with the recent (and somewhat unpleasant) dealings of my brother’s estate when he passed late last year. Perhaps, it’s those little, tiny emotions that are tucked neatly in the back of my psyche that, even though I continue my practices, were still knocking. None of this was ruining my life, days, or decisions, but it was a constant, subtle, poke or prickle.

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Shaky Emotional Ground

Shaky Ground

It is a great feeling to get things accomplished, but things can slip when you have put the pedal to the metal throughout your whole day. It is crucial, especially when you’re going full speed or feeling run down, to become aware of the need to stop and check in with how you are mentally/emotionally feeling. Reacting negatively from a drained mind and body can happen quickly when you’re worn down, and will likely cause you to say or do something you’ll regret later.

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Feeling Overwhelmed? Pause and B-R-E-A-T-H-E

pause and breathe

In the mix of overwhelm that can happen in our lives, from the usual to-dos to the unexpected, are you taking time to stop? To B-R-E-A-T-H-E? Be honest with yourself. We all think we can handle a lot, and at times we have to. Try changing up the usual protocol you have done into an energetic shift. Energy is powerful stuff – what you put in you get back multiplied abundantly. Be aware of the negative you send out (or in) because it is likely to produce more.

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