
Change Your Perspective and Change Your Life

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Murphy’s Law warns us: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” That is a mindset that many people carry with them; is that you, too? It’s easy enough to do when you’ve hit your limit of things on your to-do list or experienced a series of negative events. But here’s a different perspective I would like you to consider: When things appear to be going wrong, what if they’re going right?

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Laughter through Tears

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Humor has long been my personal “coping mechanism,” and I often tell people that sarcasm is my second language, but I come by this honestly. Everyone in my family, both blood and chosen, responds with witty comebacks or painful puns, or just bad jokes whenever things are getting tense. Even my husband knows that the best way to shake me out of a gloomy mood is to make me laugh, and I do the same for him.

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Creating Celebrations

Doing something that fills your spirit up needs to be part of your daily to-do list as well. As necessary as deep breaths and exercise are, so, too is filling your heart with joy. When is the last time you felt truly alive and fulfilled? What activity allowed you to feel that way? I’m guessing it wasn’t plugging through from chore to chore but instead an activity that filled your heart. Though you may not be able to skip off to Maui for the day, there is likely something that will give you a lift.

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