Creating Calm

The Sound of Silence


Change the old patterns that you are comfortable with yet are toxic. Take out the clutter in your life to make room for a clean and healthy mental and physical environment for yourself to create a peaceful silence in your life (and sleep!). It’s a win-win for both you and others in your life.

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Calming Your Inner Critic

I ask you to pause and think about this statement: The weight of responsibility that we place on ourselves and the forgiveness we don’t give. We all fumble at times in our lives. We’ve had words that flew out of our mouths under duress because we’ve exhausted ourselves. We’ve experienced anger, impatience, fear – all big emotions that can overwhelm our sanity – it happens to all of us. Those words/thoughts can be directed toward others as well as us.

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The Summer Solstice: A Time for Balance

Summer Solstice

Balmy summer afternoons seem made for these quieter pursuits, a twist on the traditional siesta of the Latin world. I have strong memories of sharing the front porch with my grandmother on summer days, each of us with a glass of iced tea and a book, magazine, or crossword puzzle. I remember the feel of the condensation cooling my hand when I gripped my glass, and I remember the soft background noises that were ever present: cicadas, lawn sprinklers, small children playing, the occasional barking dog.

But I also remember that, as she got older, my grandmother grew to dread those long summer afternoons – especially Sunday afternoons. Part of this was just the life of an empty nester. Without young children in her home, she and my grandfather were disconnected from the daily events so often tied to the school year, and no longer lived by its rhythm.

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One Last Pause Before the New Year


None of us knows what the future holds, and one thing that this past year has brought into even more focus for me is being in the present moment. Where you have power is NOW. Stop speed dialing through your to-do list and pause. Stop replaying what has already taken place and move forward. The wrangling during the night about conversations you wish had gone differently, the chances you didn’t take, the flashback to years ago, none of these are events that can be changed.

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