
Finding Peace & Balance

Finding Peace and Balance

Finding peace and balance in the chaos of everyday life is something we all long for, yet it often feels elusive. When each day is filled with constant demands, commitments, and responsibilities, time seems to slip by in a blur. One moment, you’re tackling a morning task; the next, it’s already evening, and another week has vanished. Life moves so quickly that it’s easy to feel like you’re simply being swept along, always racing, always doing. But even within this fast pace, there are ways to create moments of peace and reclaim some of that time, however fleeting it may feel.

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Everyday Rituals

Blog Art - Everyday Rituals

Happy New Year 2025. To me, a new year feels like the first, crisp page of an empty notebook, the clean surface of a blank canvas, or a pristine beach with nary a footprint embedded in the expanse of white sand. It’s a world of possibilities and wonder. What will this new year hold?

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Your Gut is Telling You Something

Blog Art - Intuition

“A hunch is your gut trying to tell you something.” In caregiving, these quiet nudges—our intuitions—often signal something important: an unmet need, a sense that something isn’t quite right, or simply a reminder to pause and reflect. Using the Compassionate Inquiry Process (CIP), we can explore these inner signals with care and clarity, discerning if they call for an action or a deeper level of trust.

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Confronting the Ghosts we Carry

Blog - Ghosts we Carry

Halloween celebrates spooky tales, haunted houses, and those costumes that help us playfully create a new image. I remember dressing up as a child with a plastic witch mask and outfit, yelling ‘boo!’ to those I approached. I am giggling now, but then I felt no one would know it was just a tiny human behind the mask as I rang doorbell after doorbell to fill my bag of treats.

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