
Reflections on Fall: Changes and Letting Go

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Fall brings on a sense of change and is a time of year that I look forward to. I am in awe of the colors changing, and the temperatures getting cooler gives me a nudge to turn inwards. A time of reflection and the ability to clear out what is no longer serving me.

Whether it is cleaning out my closets as I shift my clothing around or sitting down on a Sunday morning to journal, a bit more than I usually do. We all need a sense of renewal and releasing of patterns, things that no longer serve us. That conversation you wish had gone differently that keeps reappearing in your mind, it’s time to let it go.

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Mindful, Balanced Living is Obtainable

Set your intention throughout the day to pay attention. When events start to rattle you pause, ever so briefly. And pull your attention back into that early morning moment of grounding and peace.

Even the most “tuned in” people in the world have moments that rattle them. There are outside energies that play in, and it may well be later in the day, or days after, that you realize which pain point that was triggered.

Mindful, Balanced Living is Obtainable Read More »

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