Navigating Change
Change competes with our desire for predictability, and at the same time calls us to adventure, possibility, and surprise.
Change competes with our desire for predictability, and at the same time calls us to adventure, possibility, and surprise.
This small but significant shift in my routine was the most delightful way to begin my day, and that feeling stayed with me. It stayed with me as I continued to bring it back to my focus. The power of the pause, the importance of honoring yourself amid whatever else may be going on in your life, is worth so much. Granted, we cannot always take the time as I did this morning, but at some point in our days, finding that time is important, and keeping that energy with you – vital.
A Sense of Awe for Renewing Life Balance Read More »
Hope is what happens when we assess what we can do with a situation. Is there something I can do to make a change? Hope doesn’t deny that a situation is happening, it asks the question: “Is there something I can do to make a change?” Hope is assessing the future and influencing it.
As I enter my mid-fifties, those memories are more and more precious to me, but equally important are the life lessons I experienced during those early mornings at the fishing pier – lessons that apply both to fishing and to everyday living, and caregiving.
Going Fishing: Life Lessons from the Pier Read More »
This event felt like the universe was speaking to me, reminding me about the importance of being in the present moment. As we rush about through our days, in too much of a hurry to say “I love you” on the way out the door, too caught up in our busy-ness to hold a door open for a stranger or return the smile of a small child – when we spend more time looking at our phones than at the world around us – we diminish our connection to the present. We lose our ability to be present.
Time Standing Still & The Importance of Being Present Read More »