Hindsight is the distance we need in order to have full visual acuity. In hindsight we also see a situation in a larger context and from a different angle. Hindsight is re-visioning.
Hindsight is the distance we need in order to have full visual acuity. In hindsight we also see a situation in a larger context and from a different angle. Hindsight is re-visioning.
There are some things in our life that we can’t change. Little that we control. Practicing mindfulness in any or all of its forms can help create a peaceful life. Sending out waves of kindness is an easy way to help instill some inner quiet and brings more kindness rippling back to you.
Lying fallow is a way to renew ourselves, our thoughts, and our spirits. Usually when we are stressed and overwhelmed the last thing we think about is taking time out. We rush from one thing to another with no space in between. The best time to take a fallow moment is when you think you don’t have time to.
Lying Fallow: | A Time for Rest Read More »
We are all imperfect, and we all make mistakes. Head the lessons of your inner guide – they are our internal tuning forks and there for a reason, including nudging you to continue to honor yourself even through the muddy times.
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I’m a big fan of finding life lessons – teachable moments, if you will – in ordinary settings. A simple flower teaches us so much about nature – how rain and sun must both be present in order for growth to take place. Watching a dog laze about in a sun-puddle reminds us that there is no artifice with animals, that they embody unconditional love and are easily pleased with a spot of sun and a stick to chew on.
Life Lessons in Everyday Moments Read More »