Peace of Mind

Avoiding the Rabbit Hole

How far down the rabbit hole shall you go before you know you’ve gone too far? I’ve had conversations with professional and family caregivers alike who have taken too many steps down the road of life with blinders knowing they’ll pull through it. Burnout can sneak up like a bullet train.

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Silencing Mind-Chatter

Silencing Mind Chatter

All of this can chip away at your emotions over time. The emotional outcome might be feelings of failure, worthlessness, hopelessness, or any other emotion. Perhaps your head ends up filled with thoughts like, “I’ll never be able to…” or “If only I had….” It’s understandable. All of it. And the things your mind keeps chattering at you only serve to distract and exhaust you.

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Make Lists to Help Find Clarity

Find Clarity

These lists can be anything from doing laundry to composing a financial plan for yourself and will elevate the mind chatter and help alleviate missing things. I know some people who create a list with hours/times added to it. Personally, that’s a bit restrictive because there are times during my day that I know I need to get a shopping list together and balance my financial record, but my energy level may be drained that day. So, for me, having a general to-do list within a week highlighting deadlines is a more effective solution.

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