
Planning for Yourself and Your Loved Ones

As a caregiver, you play an essential role in supporting your loved one. You are assisting someone in need, whether near or far. You may have found yourself in this position without notice and become keenly aware of how planning can make a substantial difference. But planning for yourself and your loved ones is more than just a way to make life easier in the moment. It’s a vital part of caring for yourself, mentally, physically, and emotionally both now and in the future.

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Cultivating Wellness Within

Cultivating Wellness Within

Cultivating wellness, like tending to the soil in a garden, takes intuition and attention. It needs to be done regularly for success and is a different way of thinking than merely practicing self-care. It’s genuinely going within to seek out what you need, what makes your heart smile. Think about it. Practice it.

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Collecting Penny Thoughts: Clearing the Way to Accomplishing More

Penny For Your Thoughts

Overwhelm can cause mistakes. Slowing down a bit avoids pitfalls (as much as possible). Those thoughts are worth much more than mere pennies if they are cared for properly – just don’t let them swamp you. When you multi-task, although it seems like you’ll get more done, you actually lose productivity by dividing your attention.

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