About Life Coaching

Life Coaching

Brought to you by Amanda Surratt

Amanda is a Reiki Master, Certified Life Coach, and Mental Fitness Coach.  She offers transformational coaching and energy work to help her clients transcend life’s trials and experience greater joy, peace, and ease.  Amanda’s unique approach blends the pragmatism of evidence-based, scientifically informed methodologies with the intuition and empathy of an energy worker and healer.  

Imagine feeling more resilient, vibrant, and positive.  Imagine navigating life’s complexities and challenges with greater clarity and purpose.  Imagine feeling supported, seen, heard, and valued.  All of this and much more is possible when you work with the right Life Coach to support you on your journey.

Drawing on my background in positive psychology, my coaching approach focuses on fostering resilience, promoting personal growth, and enhancing overall well-being. I work with clients to cultivate a positive mindset, set meaningful goals, and develop practical strategies for overcoming obstacles.  In addition, I draw on my background as a Reiki Master to bring intuition and empathy to your coaching journey. 

What sets my coaching style apart is the integration of spirituality. I believe that connecting with our spiritual essence can provide profound insights and contribute to a deeper understanding of life’s purpose. Whether you follow a specific spiritual tradition or are on a journey of exploration, I create a safe and inclusive space for incorporating spiritual principles into our coaching sessions.

I tailor my coaching approach to meet the unique needs and goals of each client. Our coaching relationship is built on trust, openness, and a commitment to your personal growth. I am here to guide, support, and empower you to transcend life’s trials and experience greater joy, peace, and ease.

For more information on Life Coaching, please contact [email protected].

Want to schedule a complimentary consultation or inquire about coaching services?

Please contact Amanda by email at [email protected]

Pricing: $150/hour

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